
2024 Calendar For Girls with Grit Events

August 16 – Women’s Night Out – 6:30 pm

September 21 – Women’s Breakfast – 8:30am

October 19 – Women’s Breakfast – 8:30am

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Revelation 12:11a

You’re a real woman with real problems trying your best to make it day to day. You hear about God and wonder, “God, if you are really real, show me that you make a difference, a true difference in someone’s life.” That’s what we are all about. We share amazing food created for us by some wonderful chefs, while enjoying visiting with girlfriends and making new ones. We then hear different women’s stories about how God interrupted their lives and made a real difference. This isn’t about faith putting on it’s best face. It’s all about real women with real problems connecting with the Real God and coming away changed. So think about taking some time for YOU, to get refreshed, refilled and ready to take on all that life brings your way. Grab a friend and join us. Can’t wait to see you – The Women’s Breakfast & Women’s Night Out Team

Girls 16 & up are welcome.